4 Tricks to Make App’s Onboarding Smooth for User Retention
As all say, “the first impression is the last impression”, it has implications for your mobile app too.
Having an app that creates an everlasting impression is crucial. It means nothing but a compelling onboarding experience. Onboarding is the initial experiences that users have as soon as they open an app after installing it. It includes everything from login to setting up of user profile and learning about the features. So, creating an effective user experience will reduce app abandonments and assure stability in users. It is for this, app developers or every app development company emphasises on creating a smooth user experience in the onboarding to retain users and add value to the app.
If you are thinking to partner with an Android or iPhone app development company to develop an app, make sure they get these best practices for its seamless onboarding.
Smooth introduction with the least obstacles
It is essential to provide an easy and intuitive experience to users when they started their journey on the app to ensure minimal abandonment. It is chiefly associated with the login. Login or signup process must be a single screen process i.e. as short as possible. In many cases, the ideal way is to enable login with a social media account. Apart from that, you need to put very few fields in the login process for the least resistance.
Develop a consistent and intuitive path of onboarding
User onboarding decides the future of your app. The better users can understand it, the more is their chances to use the app. There are three ways to offer a consistent onboarding i.e. function-oriented onboarding, benefits-oriented onboarding and progressive onboarding. While in the first, the key functionalities are highlighted along with the user actions needed, the benefits are shown in a concise way in the second case.
However, the best is progressive onboarding which is likely to educate and guide the users with interactive references.
Source : Marketing 360
Go with the concept of one screen
None of the users is interested in going through any elaborative content. They just straightway want the information that would help them achieve their purpose in the app. For this, most developers are keeping the onboarding experience short within one screen. It also keeps away from overloading the user with too much content in the initial stage and distracting them.
Use of some deliberate animations
Use of little tricky animations is effective at retaining the users because they will draw their attention towards specific user actions that are needed to make progress in the app. Secondly, it makes some information more absorbing to the users than when it is presented as text content.
These tricks are definitely a win-win if you want your app to be an instant success. All these help in not only minimising the distractions in the onboarding but also build a consistent path for the user journey. At Vision & Solutions, we have a team of Android and iOS app developers in Sydney who can assure an effective onboarding to deliver the most value to your app idea and build a great user base.
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Source : www.vnsinfo.com.au